How do you pronounce Jumex in Spanish?

The correct pronunciation of this product is HOO-mex, with a Spanish soft “J.” This was confirmed with a spokesperson of Vilore Foods, Inc., the US distributor of Jumex (based in San Antonio, TX), via telephone on August 6, 2019.Click to see full answer. Furthermore, how do you say Xoloitzcuintli in Spanish?Sometimes known as the Mexican Hairless dog, the xoloitzcuintli (pronounced “show-low-itz-QUEENT-ly”) gets its name from two words in the language of the Aztecs: Xolotl, the god of lightning and death, and itzcuintli, or dog.Also Know, what does Xoloitzcuintli mean? xo·lo·itz·cuint·lis, also xo·lo·itz·cuint·les. Any of several varieties of small to medium-sized dog of a breed developed by the Aztecs, having erect ears and a long tail. The hairless varieties have a dark-colored almost hairless body, and the “coated” varieties have a short, flat coat. Also called Mexican hairless . Also, how do you say Jason in Spanish? ˈd?e? s?nJASON.How much are Xoloitzcuintli?You should expect to pay a premium for a puppy with breeding rights or even for a puppy advertised as show quality with papers. You should budget anywhere from $1,800 upwards to $4,500 or even more for a Xoloitzcuintli with top breed lines and a superior pedigree. The average cost for all Xoloitzcuintlis sold is $700.
