Insert the King LT laterally into the corner of the mouth. Advance the tip of the tube under the base of the tongue, while rotating the tube back towards the midline.Click to see full answer. Likewise, people ask, what is a King LT?[edit on Wikidata] The laryngeal tube (also known as the King LT) is an airway management device designed as an alternative to other airway management techniques such as mask ventilation, laryngeal mask airway, and tracheal intubation.Also Know, can you intubate through a King Airway? If a King LT was placed due to a difficult airway scenario, removal could place you in a “can’t intubate – can’t oxygenate” situation. It appears feasible to insert the video laryngoscope while ventilating through the King, then deflate the large balloon to reveal the cords, place a bougie, and intubate past the King. Also Know, how far do you insert a King Airway? 1. The key to insertion is to get the distal tip of AIRWAY DEVICE around the corner in the posterior pharynx, under the base of the tongue.How does a supraglottic airway work?A number of supraglottic airway devices are available, including: Laryngeal Mask Airway. Ventilation is delivered through a port positioned above the glottic opening, and inflated cuffs or gel isolate the glottic opening to facilitate ventilation and protect the lower airway from aspiration.).