Control. The Wildlife Code of Missouri classifies the raccoon as a furbearer and game mammal that may be taken during prescribed hunting and trapping seasons. The Code also specifies that you may shoot or trap damage-causing raccoons out-of-season without a permit.Click to see full answer. Similarly one may ask, are raccoons legal in Missouri?In Missouri, an individual who finds an injured fox, squirrel, or raccoon, under law cannot care for and raise the animal. But buy the same animal from a breeder – online ads sell raccoons for as much as $400 each – and the law says the animal is yours.Furthermore, is there a hunting season for raccoons? In most areas Raccoon have become an open season animal, meaning they can be hunted or trapped year round, but in some areas there is still a season to hunt or trap them. Typically, only raccoon, opossum, coyote and fox can be hunted at night. Simply so, is it illegal to kill a racoon? Hunting & Trapping Raccoons Do not use poison to kill any wildlife – it’s illegal. Contact a professional pest control company or your municipality if you have a persistent raccoon problem. Raccoons may be trapped (in season) by registered trappers who have a valid trapping licence.Is it legal to kill a raccoon in Illinois?Additionally, by Illinois law, raccoons in Illinois must either be: 1) released on the same property within 100 yards of where the animal was captured, 2) surrendered to a licensed veterinarian who is a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, or 3) humanely euthanized.